It's almost Christmas and at Peakbwa, we know how demanding the season can be (in terms of time, energy, and money!). We therefore offer you an ultra simple, easy and very inexpensive idea that your little Cubs will be able to do from A to Z. Plus, the result is magnificent!
We use what we have on hand, and our creativity!
Ingredients :
- Scissors and glue
- 1 sheet of white paper (to stick the strips)
- Scraps from magazines, newspapers or old recipe books
- 1 sheet of solid-colored cardstock
- Optional: Extras (stickies, glitter, pencils, paint, whatever you have on hand.)
- An envelope
- A stamp (if you want to send it by post)
The preparation :
1. Cut scraps from magazines, newspapers or old recipe books into strips
2. Glue them side by side on a white sheet to create stripes.
3. Trace a *shape on the back and cut it out (*a heart, a circle, a snowflake, star, fir tree, lark!)
4. We glue the shape onto the sheet of cardstock that we folded in half to make our card base
5. We add fantasy (shinies, tights, we draw on top: anything goes!)
6. We write a personalized note for our loved one.
7. Cooking time varies depending on the age of the children :P

All that remains is to place a stamp on the envelope and that's it!
Who will your little elves send letters to this year?