Cross-Country Skiing Guide with Children

Guide Ski de Fond avec Enfant

How to get kids hooked on cross-country skiing?

We are pleased to share with you our little Guide to Cross-Country Skiing with Children in which we have grouped together several important points to consider to introduce your little cross-country skiers as early as possible!

Who is Peakbwa ? We are a young company creating  kids eco clothes in Quebec. Our clothes grow with your children from age 0 to 12 years old. We love nature and our designs reflect its beauty.

Have a good ski outting!


Skiing with a baby


Children old enough to learn to ski

When to initiate them?

How to initiate them?

Ski games

Create motivations

Children who already ski

Skiing tips for everyone

Buy or not?

How to dress

What to bring

Or ski

Safety instructions


Cross-country skiing with baby: sled or trailer?

What to do when they are very young? We pull them!

Ski trailers or sleds make it easy to take your young children cross-country skiing with you. You can rent, borrow or buy!

Before you embark, assess your experience, fitness and weather conditions. Will the load be too big to pull? Does the trail have too much elevation? It's better to start small and slowly lengthen our outings in order to adapt without injuring yourself.

thule ski trailer


Ski trailers :

Trailers with skis keep children protected from wind, weather and branches. It's warmer and there's usually a lot more cargo space than the carry bag or sleigh. Trailers are however more expensive.

We pull the trailer with a belt attached to our waist, which leaves our arms free. Manufacturers of joggers and bike trailers offer ski conversion kits that allow you to convert the trailer to the desired activity.

I use the Thule model a lot for walking, running, cycling and cross-country skiing. I love my stroller, it's probably the best investment I made right from the start with the little newborn hammock.


A sleigh :

Some may have an enclosed roof, windshield, padded seat and safety harness or backrest. It's the same principle for the waist belt, but these sleds sometimes slide less well on the snow and can be a little heavier to pull. It's much better to use a sleigh on a groomed trail, if there's a bit of fluffy snow the sleigh become a plower pushing the snow in front.

For transport, sleds are light and less cumbersome to move than a ski trailer. They are also more often available for rental at cross-country ski resorts.

Try to insulate the seat under the child with a cushion, blankets or sleeping bag. Sleds without a protective cover leave children more exposed to the elements, so dress them accordingly.

You can also use a traditional sled, but if the track is not groomed, it pushes the snow forward; So it’s quite a workout! You will also have to think about extending the rope and be careful not to use the tracks that are marked out.


With a sled or trailer, consider these tips:

  • Practice pulling a sled or loaded trailer on skis
    before attempting to tow your children. It takes time to get used to the extra weight of the sled, especially going uphill or downhill. Do shorter distances at first.
  • Check your child regularly to make sure they are comfortable and not too hot or cold. It is useful to ski with another person who can lend a hand.
  • Discover more tips in our article How to keep babies warm while sledding .


baby cross-country ski sled




Children old enough to learn cross-country skiing

There are ways to make learning to ski fun and get your kids to love cross-country skiing.


When to introduce them to cross-country skiing?

Once the children are too heavy to pull a sled and can walk a certain distance on their own, you can start introducing them to cross-country skiing. After seeing you slide on skis, they will probably want to copy you and try skis for themselves.

There is no age to start cross-country skiing as a child. Some may start from the age of 3 to 5, dragging their feet on cross-country skis over very short distances. Many children start by learning the technique of classic skiing without a pole because the movement is very similar to walking.


How to initiate them?

Take a lesson . It is always good to have a qualified instructor to teach your child. The Canadian Cross-Country Ski Association provides list of clubs and resorts that offer cross-country skiing lessons and Ski de Fond Quebec offers a  list of cross-country ski centers with groomed trails . Some start teaching children as young as 5 years old.


Before going outside, ask your child to put on some skis indoors and try them out. Let them put on boots and experiment with ski binding. Have them practice dragging gently on a mat while they hold your finger. Have them ride back and forth to get a feel for how the skis move. Guide them through a very slow turn, taking small baby steps so they don't cross their toes.


Once outside, put them on two skis and let them walk. Hold your hand at their side so they feel supported if needed. If you're standing behind them, be careful not to let them lean on you (when learning to ski, you want them positioned forward). Hold a stick in front of them so they can ask for help if they need it. Children generally won't need poles until they are 7 or 8 years old.


Play games that strengthen their skills.

Everything is more fun when you play games. Here are some of our favorite ski games:


Little Thumb Race

Throw a nut, candy or even a snowball and have the kids ski up to the obstacle and then bend down to pick them up (also make sure you don't leave anything on the trail afterward).

Fun races

On two parallel tracks, two children can race against each other (or mom or dad). Give way if someone is coming in the other direction.

Play tag

This one is always fun. It is best to play in a large snowy field.

Green and red light

It is played the same way as the traditional game. The leader shouts: “Green light!” and the children ski. When they hear "red light!" They stop. The goal is to reach the finish line where the leader is. It is more favorable to play this game in a large open space outside the slopes.

Ball or soccer

Throw a ball and have your child ski to catch it. Continue to throw the ball in the direction you want your child to ski. You'll want to choose a quiet trail for this so you don't throw a ball towards oncoming skiers. This game could also be played in a large field.

Alphabet games

If they are school age, have them make the letter shape in the snow by tapping it with their skis.

Ski golf

Place a colored golf ball (or any ball) in the ski slopes, one per slope, and have your child hit the golf ball as he skis, moving as fast as possible up to 'to the next ball. Note that you will need firm, traceable ski slopes so that the balls don't jump and roll off-piste.


cross-country skiing with children


Source: Saint-Francois cross-country skiing in Drummondville



Create motivations

Motivation is very individual! What works for one child may not work for another. Here are some ideas you can
try to keep kids motivated while they ski:


Treat junctions

It's quite simple. Children receive a small treat at each trail crossing. Choose a route that has several junctions to fuel motivation. It is useful to carry a small bag of treats in your coat pocket or hang it on your belt for easy access.

For longer journeys, take a surprise break! Find a picnic table or a tree trunk for lunch and show them what's hidden in the thermos after considerable physical effort! A thermos of hot chocolate will be the icing on the sundae at the end of the activity.

Build a snowman, go sledding

In other words, we're taking a break! Bring a sled with us and find some little hills to play after skiing. Other times, take off our skis and build a snowman or have a snowball fight.

Pack good meals and snacks

If your child loves hot meals, then take a thermos of hot meals with you when you go skiing. Find a picnic table or tree trunk for lunch and they will be very happy. Pull out all your special treats too. I would also suggest a thermos of hot chocolate. For long trips, pack individual fun snacks for every mile you hike on the trail.

Skiing for a “carrot”

Children can ski to save weekly time on a tablet (or something else), it can be incredible how many kilometers they can ski when they are motivated! Tell your child that they will save 20 minutes of tablet time for the week per kilometer skied. You may have to hold them back from skiing 10 km!

Plan a special outing or privilege to plan afterwards

Do you want to do a 10 kilometer loop with your child? Give them something to look forward to after accomplishing this feat. A good restaurant, a film special, etc. Why not end the ski day at a local café for cookies and hot drinks?

Telling stories on the trail

Become a storyteller! Memorize legends or stories and tell them on the trail. Tell the children: "If you continue skiing, I will tell you the rest of the story." Your children may enjoy making up their own stories and telling them to you while you ski.


SEPAQ children's cross-country skiing

Source: SEPAQ



Your child is already skiing

They can now follow, or maybe you follow them? Either way, we have some tips and tricks to help make cross-country skiing enjoyable.


Think about where you are going to ski

Would you like to ski on old icy crust snow across a playground at -25C? No! We like well-maintained trails and trails. Children are no different. Here are some tips for choosing the right beginner-friendly trail:

  • Avoid slopes when starting out with beginner skiers.
  • Look for a trail with interesting features. A golf course here with small bridges and a good toboggan run? It can be your favorite place to ski 1 hour during the week.
  • Choose a quiet place to start. A popular run on a Saturday afternoon can become frustrating when faster skiers come up behind you, expecting you to move to the side to let them pass.
  • Choose your route, taking into account your child's preferences. Most children will not enjoy gradually climbing for endless miles. Choose rolling trails with short climbs, alternating with downhill sections.


Bring a friend

For hiking, it’s a real winner! Make sure you know the dynamics of the children involved. When you get the right duo in terms of speed and ability, it's very motivating for them.

You can give your child and his friend superhero capes. *Magic water is also a winner! * Thank you uncle Pierre for this infallible tip!


Have realistic expectations

What are your expectations? You can sometimes come close to disaster if you push your child a little too much or choose a loop that is too long.

It's always best to start small, go slow, and manage your expectations. When your child says he's done, that means he's done. Don't push it. Stop and move on for a change of pace.

Finally, it is recommended to have different options in mind for your ski day. Choose a trail system with a variety of short and long trail options so you can adapt to your child's mood or energy level. You usually know what type of ski day it will be within the first ten minutes on the slope.


Cross-country skiing child friends

Source: and



Tips for skiing at any age

These apply to cross-country skiing and almost all outdoor winter activities.


Check your equipment in advance . Know how your equipment works and if it's in good condition so you don't get cold fingers and toes when trying to assemble the sled at the trail head.


Choose your route. The itinerary must be based on the skills of your children. Choose a much easier route than you would usually do on your own. The goal is for them to have a good time. You can always do an easy loop multiple times.


Ski as long as they can walk. If your child is able to walk 30 minutes before getting tired, you can ski with them for 30 minutes. So plan the time to return to the car in your time on skis.


Make skiing fun. The goal is to be out and moving, performance be damned. If your kids become agitated or cry, take them off their skis and call the day a success. Go back inside and take a break. (Hot chocolate solves almost everything). We'll try again next time!


Travel at nap time for young children. The sound of the skis and the sliding motion will often put little ones to sleep while you practice. The best of worlds!


Aim for the best time of the day . The experience will be more enjoyable if you go in good weather and aim for the hottest time of day, usually between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.


Listen to the children ! Sharing your enthusiasm helps develop a love and interest in sports. You want your child to love skiing bottom? Take breaks often and stop to observe the trails of hares or deer in the woods (or their droppings!).


Take turns shooting. Everyone gets a workout if you share the kid-carrying duties. This also gives time for the adult not pulling the trailer to ski at a faster pace or take a short solo ride. To pack light!


Bring a change of clothes . Dress children with the multi-layer system. Have extra gloves, socks and layers in case they get wet. Learn more in our advice article
to dress your children in winter.






Buy or not buy cross-country skis?

If you are not yet ready to commit to this sport, it is wiser to rent skis for the day. Renting is also a great way to
decide what type of skis you might want to buy. To some
places, it is possible to rent them for the whole season.

Visit an outdoor center with an on-site rental store and you
find knowledgeable staff to help you measure and adjust
skis and boots correctly. They will also help you choose the
wax to use depending on the temperature, if you rent waxable skis.

Personally, I think waxless skis are easier for
beginners, because you can just put them on and go. However, as you get better at skiing, you may want to upgrade to waxable skis to improve your performance and speed.

For purchasing equipment, I suggest visiting a ski shop or
reputable sports store where you can get help choosing the right size and fit. Most people start with a set
traditional classic skis for use in Nordic centers.


Used equipment for children

For kids, you'll probably want to start with skis and
second-hand boots, many ski clubs organize ski sales in the fall where you can equip the children at a good price. It also exists
the alternative of online buying/selling groups.

Mauricie park shelter

Dress to be comfortable and warm!

Cross-country skiers choose to wear light layers so as not to have too much warm while skiing; when moving, the body can feel 10 degrees of difference with the actual outside temperature.


The trick: dress in “layers.”

Remove clothes if you are hot or add clothes if you are cold.

Our advice for clothing:

For the legs :

  • Start with a thin layer that breathes well to keep you dry and help you not get cold. A pair of tights/onesie really does the trick. Merino is a material par excellence.
  • Add a pair of thin softshell stretch pants by-
    above. Be careful, big snow pants can be bulky
    and limits movement.
  • If necessary, add a warmer layer on top (this is the
    first to remove in case of overheating).
  • Finally, a final layer to cut the wind.
For the head and extremities:
  • Most cross-country skiers will choose mittens or gloves
    lightweight and a very light toque, but beginners will want of the padded mittens or gloves (more similar to what you would wear when downhill skiing).
  • We always use stretchy multi-purpose headbands
    (like our scooba !) to wrap our face, protect our
    neck and keep our mouth and nose warm in cold weather. On hot days they can be worn as a lightweight headband to keep the ears warm.

For children : opt for warmer clothing when learning (just like adults who have to walk slowly at next to them). Children are often very comfortable in pants light ski jacket with long underwear and fleece pants in below.

For warmer days : replace the ski pants with rain pants. Our children also wear a diaper sweater basic, a fleece hooded sweater, then a softshell jacket per-above.




children's cross-country ski backpack



What to put in your backpack

Our short, non-exhaustive list:

  • It's always helpful to have lightweight, packable puffer jackets in your backpacks for downtime.
  • Also bring a spare pair of warm, dry socks.
  • Bring plenty of food and snacks, as well as water in an insulated bottle.
  • You can also bring a thermos of hot chocolate or apple cider.
  • Hand/toe warmers. THE hotpoc are good allies for warming up during short breaks. A nice reusable alternative.

Little tip: to keep your phone warm, place it in a pocket
interior with a hand warmer. Mine stays warm all day and rarely freezes.

  • Always have basic emergency items if you have to be away for a few hours (in case of injury where you have to wait for help).
    • First aid kit, bandages for blisters,
      headlamps in case you are surprised after the
      sunset, down jackets and a packable blanket.

Or ski?

Beginners will want to start on flat, easy trails. There are a few options here:

  • Find groomed slopes if possible : Groomed ski slopes
    help beginners keep their skis straight. Many stations
    cross-country skiing has heated huts and trails specially
    designed for beginners. Ask your ski shop for advice
    local or to your ski professional.
  • Stay close to home on your first outings. Aim for a short trail
    near the car, not too far from home, resort or
    from a warm shelter. If someone complains, the return will be easier. We have for you one list of parks for hiking in every region of Quebec and these places mostly offer cross-country skiing and snowshoeing.
  • Head towards a regional park or your city , or a provincial park (free for 17 and under) nearby which has groomed trails. Get a map and stick to green trails. I suggest choosing a small loop of less than three miles to start. You can always do a second loop if the first one goes well.
  • When you take your children cross-country skiing, choose a
    much easier route than you would usually do on your own . You want them to have a good time. You can always do an easy loop multiple times.
  • Look for online ski groups or local websites that specialize in cross-country skiing. We have a small list of parks for hiking which also offer cross-country ski trails.

family cross-country skiing

Safety tip

Ski in a group, ideally bring 2 adults if you are with young children. It's always safer in the event of an accident, you can always send an adult for help.

Have fun and enjoy this great way to connect with the
nature and your family this winter!


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Additional articles:

70 Active Games for Your Kids Indoors

10 Tips for Enjoying Winter Outside  with baby

winter tips with baby